
Announcement regarding the support for Optimism (OP_ETH) and ARBITRUM(ARBITRUM_ETH) network (ETH) Upgrade and Hard Fork

Dear Cobo User,

Due to the network upgrade hard fork of OP_ETH and ARBITRUM_ETH, Cobo Custody has arranged the following schedule:

  1. OP_ETH: Deposits and withdrawals for OP_ETH and its tokens will be suspended starting from March 14th, 7:00 (UTC+8).
  2. ARBITRUM_ETH: Deposits and withdrawals for ARBITRUM_ETH and its tokens will be suspended starting from March 14th, 16:00 (UTC+8).

After the upgrade is completed, deposit and withdrawal services will be resumed promptly.

Note: The hard fork will occur at OP_ETH Chain mainnet Blockheight 1710374410 or on March 14th, 2024, 8:00 (UTC+8).

OP official announcement: Ecotone OP Mainnet Upgrade

ARBITRUM_ETH will undergo network upgrade and hard fork on ARBITRUM on March 14th, 2024, at 17:00.

ARBITRUM official announcement: ArbOS 20 Atlas Upgrade

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Cobo Support
March 12, 2024