
What should I do during and after my free trial?

Cobo MPC Lite offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to experience a selection of features. If you decide to continue using Cobo MPC Lite beyond the trial period, please apply to become an official user before the 14-day free trial ends. Only the Owner of an organization can submit and approve this application.

Note: If our product doesn't align with your needs, you can simply discontinue your usage with no strings attached.

Step 1: Log in to your Cobo MPC Lite account and click on “Upgrade” at the top of the page.

Step 2: Approve the upgrade on your Cobo Guard.

Step 3: Generate a new set of MPC key shares. Your key-share scheme will be upgraded from “2 out of 2” to “2 out of 3” once you become an official user. Cobo will hold one key-share and you will hold two key-shares, one for daily transaction signing and one for back-up and recovery purposes. The backup key-share shall be securely stored offline at all times.

If you fail to apply to become an official user before the end of the free trial, your Cobo MPC Lite account will be restricted. You can still log in to your Cobo MPC Lite account, but cannot complete operations such as creating a wallet, generating an address, making a withdrawal, and modifying risk control policies. If you intend to continue using the services provided by Cobo MPC Lite in this scenario, please complete Step 1 and Step 2 to upgrade to an official user first.